TPC Update!

Bit lost with the Team Picker Cup this year?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this year hasn’t been the easiest when it comes to who’s playing, who’s not playing and whether anyone has won the damn thing yet.

But don’t fret! We’re here to give you a brief rundown of the tournament so far, complete with mini reviews of the games which have been played!

TPC 2016 may be remembered for the number of games not to have been played, rather than actual games played, but we’ve witnessed some delights in the tournament’s fifth year. Once again we’ve since new challengers emerge, old favourites being toppled and we will be guaranteed a brand new champion – something of a tradition in the TPC.


The Road to the TPC Final 2016

Round One 

So back in the summer when the days were longer and the midges were happily nipping our bronzed flesh in the hazy twilight, the opening game of the tournament pitted debutant Peter Jenkins against Michael ‘The Burglar” Van Birgelen. Although it was full of vigour and spirit, the game wasn’t the spectacle we were hoping for and Pete did enough to get through in second gear.

Next up William Collins hoped he could overcome Paul Smith and reach the TPC Final for a second time. However despite hooking himself up with the two Dans he succumbed to the resilient Dr. Smith, who seemed to ride the storm and take the victory. There’s a Lost in Space gag I can make here somewhere, but I can’t quite pull it off…  (Danger Danger! Will Robinson)

Next up the reigning champ was in town and Mr Powell wasn’t ready to give up the crown (not to mention his mug which had obscenities written all over it after the last SLODBN). Andrew Long was tipped to do well in this tournament with his direct managerial style, but he wasn’t able to upset one of TTFE’s most reliable game-changers and Karl made it into the next round.

In the final last 16 match which was played the confident Chris Phillips brushed aside Rhys Morgan’s team in one of the lop-sided games in TPC history, winning 19-7 (the most one-sided TPC match which was recorded will come later). Chris has been on the end of a hammering in the past, most notably in the 2013 tournament losing to Gareth O’Neill, but he was right on top here against Rhys, who lost out in the picking and had a mountain to climb at the very start.

Joe Newbury, Kalyd Owen, Daniel Pato and Daniel Wakeham all progressed due to the Forced Forfeit role.

Quarter Finals

Chris Phillips continued his rich vein of form against Joe Newbury in the Quarter Finals, by once again picking well. Joe’s decision to opt for a strong defence proved to be his undoing as Chris had the firepower to overwhelm his opponent and see him enter the semi finals for the first time since that game against Big G mentioned earlier.

Peter Jenkins, Paul Smith and Daniel Pato all progressed due to the Forced Forfeit role.

Semi Finals

So last week saw the first Semi Final of the 2016 and it was between the two organisers, Peter Jenkins and Chris Phillips. Until now Chris has cruised through the tournament, whilst Peter laboured in his opening match and received a bye into the semis. Both players lead from the centre, are vocal, respected, and place a lot of emphasis on the picking; this had the ingredients to be a right belter.

And in the end? Chris’ team lacked the balance across the field to stay in the game with a well-drilled, high-pressing team led by Pete. As Chris’ striker Dale played what seemed to be the marooned John Hartson role in an old Welsh team adopting a hopeful 4-5-1, Pete’s team, which had pace and cohesion, counter-attacked with glee and caused havoc for Chris’ defence. Although at half-time the score was only 7-2, Chris’ team continued to make silly errors and lost possession too easily and at critical moments, which cost them goal after goal. Pete may have lost the toss, but he won what really mattered – passage into his first TPC Final.

The next semi-final will be contested between Paul Smith and Daniel Pato, guaranteeing two new finalists and therefore a brand new winner of the title.

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TPC Game #1: R1 – Peter Jenkins V Michael Van Birgelen


Pete – winner of his first TPC match and the 2016 TPC curtain raiser!

So the Team Picker Cup is here? Already?

Yes the signature competition has arrived with little aplomb and little notice, but as always plenty of hype. Will there be a new champion this year, continuing a trend since the very first trophy was won? Or will someone become immortalised in TTFE folklore by actually win back-to-back titles? No pressure Karl!


Mikey VB – Put your tongue away good sir! This is the TPC, not a time to be salivating!

As the flood lights took aim at the centre stage that is the pitch of Sophia, the curtains raised to tell the tale of the Rumbustious Rookie and the Herculean Harlequin – both fated to meet and only one will prevail. Peter Jenkins, the eager newbie with such a desire to win it would fill the Pacific Ocean twice over, versus the gleeful Mikey Van Birgelen, the ever-grinner who may be smiling from ear-to-ear but underneath the pain of being ousted in last year’s contest still burns a blackened hole into his very soul. With the actors in place on what was a hazy, summer’s evening we just needed an audience; shame it was only the swarm of midges which took up way too many of the front row seats.


Team Mikey – (L-R) Tom, Paul, Chris, Longy, Mikey VB, Mikey PC, Billy.


Team Pete – (L-R) Riv, Pugh, Joe, Pete, Dan P, Greg, Karl P.

As the story began to unfold, it would be the debutant who would strike the first and all important blow. The game popped open with the traditional vigour that the TPC is known for – not to mention being fast, frantic and loud. On rating the teams,  Team Pete looked fluid, countered well and had a solid defence. Team Mikey perhaps relied a little too much on the long ball early on and failed to gel well in the first half.

Speaking of swarms, the makeshift attack of Dan Pato, James Pugh and TPC champ Karl Powell seemed to work well together and presented the opposition with real problems. As the counter attacking continued, Team Mikey began to crumble and needed had to find answers fast.

Half time marked the twist to the tale, but sadly one which turned this thrilling page-turner into a War and Peace snoozefest. With the score at 7-3 to Pete, the feeling of inevitability seemed to take ahold – the same feeling you get when watching an episode of X Factor or Britain’s Got Talent; the game just felt already decided.  This wasn’t an arrogant statement by any means – but with Pete’s usual hunger for winning enthusiasm neutralised by his hunger for a giant meal prior to playing, in addition to Mikey’s muted optimism not having the usual joyous effect on his comrades, the second half become a mere shadow of its predecessor. It was sluggish, turgid and increasingly desperate for something to happen – just like sitting through an Aston Villa match.

Pete continued to be the engine room of his team, leading from the heart of midfield, however it was clear that he could coast in second gear to see the game out. That said, Team Mikey did catch a break and actually outscored their rivals in the second half, but the damage was already done. At 10-7 the game seemed closer than it appeared.

In summary – it’s more agony for Mikey as he crashes out of the TPC at the same hurdle AND once again in the opening game. Will it be third time lucky for the Burgular – we can only hope he overcomes the shame and doesn’t throw in the towel? Meanwhile for Pete it was a good game to win and be below par performance wise, but don’t they say the mark of a true champion is to grind out the 1-0’s even when you’re not at your best? I look foward with interest to see Mr Jenkins firing on all cylinders in the quarter finals.


He’s shattered bless him! Can do better for the quarters though….


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EXCLUSIVE: TTFE Announce New Rule at Conference

A series of ground-breaking changes to the way that TTFE conducts its weekly games are being considered at a conference starting today.

In the sports’s first ever ‘Joint Organisers’ Keep Evolving’ event designed to make sure the game stays relevant and responsive to the players’ preferences, delegates signed off one of a number of new measures which will improve the game for all.

The key change agreed by the committee will see the gradual adoption of ‘walking football’, the new sports craze which is sweeping the nation. In this style of football, players are actually penalised for running with the ball and all movement is reduced to a much slower pace.

Demonstrated in a video by the Geordie football legend Alan Shearer and Spurs goal ace Harry Kane, they explain how it’s becoming a wider, national sport.

Delegates explained that the move was necessary to keep up with the new and exciting initiatives that football is making. Others were overwhelmingly positive, citing old age as a major factor for the amendment.

One delegate said “I just can’t keep up with the kids these days with their Tinders and their new fangled iPhone 6s. I used to able to score goals for fun, now I can barely make the pitch gate without feeling my calf seize up.”

“We have to level the playing field somehow and this is the best way to do it.”

Critics responded to the move by saying it is discriminatory to the younger generation of TTFE players who are the next in line to take the organisation forward. One was quoted as saying “we’ll just become a bunch of old farts”. Delegates however were deficient, stating that walking football will get them to relive a time when they could be banging in goals like Alan Shearer, and no longer wallow in self-pity as an over-30 who now looks forward to visiting garden centres on the weekend.

Other measures up for debate today include monthly rugby games, multiball and the banning of the term ‘Joeing’ for all goals scored from rebounded shots off the back of the goalkeeper.

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What is the best way to take a penalty?


As the seconds frittered away in the League Cup Final last Sunday and both the players of Liverpool and Manchester City looked to have nothing left in the tank, I rubbed my hands with glee welcoming the looming penalty shootout.

There are some fans who seem to watch shootouts though their hands – mainly as supporters, but sometimes as neutrals too – feeling the nerves of the players in the cruel, random lottery which will now determine the winner. I on the other hand love a good penalty shootout. I love the drama, the mind games and the fact that it’s truly down to kicker versus keeper. Heroes and villains ready to find their fate and hopefully for the right reasons, they’ll find tomorrow’s headline on the back page of The Sun.

Shocking Stutters

However there is something the dreaded penalty shootout could do without. This is the rise of the audacious, truly ridiculous and downright cocky Stutter penalty kick. You know the one – the penalty taker starts his run up and then almost stops dead in the tracks, with the intention of fooling the keeper by making him dive before kicking the ball.

Here is an example of Neymar perfecting the art, but quite often you see it fail miserably.

Now I’m not old school by any means or do I subscribe to the Peter Kay soccer school; nor do I bang in ten goals every Thursday, but a penalty to me is all about the solid run up, laces through and AVE IT! top corner.

I just cringe whenever I see a Stutter kick. And yes, it’s the certain level of cringe I only experience whenever I watch one of Donald Trump’s speeches.

From watching shootouts it’s clear to me that by stuttering you lose all momentum and power of your kick, not to mention you give the keeper a significant advantage if he’s not bought the dummy. This is where Big Willy managed to gather the edge against a Liverpool side not willing to give the ball ‘a bit of welly’.

Painful Panenkas

But Wembley wasn’t just treated to one type of frustrating penalty kick. Oh no. We also had the infamous Panenka, one of the most condescending, wankiest penalty shots ever. If you’re not up to speed on your knowledge of all things spot kick, back in 1976 a rather confident Czechoslovakian chap by the name of Antonin Panenka won the Euros for his country by scoring the winning goal in a penalty shootout against the West Germans. His penalty consisted of a light ‘chip’ into the goal – not with the intention of lobbing the keeper but to anticipate the dive of keeper so that the ball would softly bounce into the net where he once stood. It’s seen as the essence of soccer swankery; the kind of thing you’d expect wannabe Messis and Ronaldos to try and pull off.

Admittedly Emre Can, who was guilty of looking very smug (until the end of the shootout at least), managed to make it look simple. But they don’t always pan out and looks hilarious (not to mention extremely embarrassing for the brave soul who attempted it).

These heinous crimes in spot kick taking got me thinking about other absolutely unnecessary instances of pretentious kicking  in footballing history. I then remembered the Henry and Pires failed ‘double act’ penalty which wasn’t just disrespectful, it was just plain bizarre. Then again, in those days Thierry was the cheeky little scamp couldn’t do anything wrong so we’ll let him off.

That was before the Irish game where he took matters into his own hands

What do you think? Am I just a big moaner failing to appreciate these types of footballing poetry? Or is the Panenka a punch to the face not just to the opposition but to football in general? How do you like to take your penalties?

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BREAKING NEWS: Shabba slams down his gloves

929077Reports have emerged that TTFE resident goalkeeper Joe Newbury has taken an indefinite sabbatical from goalkeeping starting today.

The news broke early this afternoon when Newbury called an irregular press conference at Sophia Gardens. It was rumoured to be an announcement about the upcoming 11-a-side match with the ‘8pm Team’ but it was explained that pitch negotiations were still ongoing.

“It is my intention to hang up my gloves at regular TTFE matches for the foreseeable future”, Newbury said almost tearfully reading from a pre-written sheet.

“I have enjoyed my time as one of TTFE’s resident keepers and I’m proud to be part of an elite group of goalkeepers, such as Greg Davies and David Weller. Not to mention the healthy rivalry I have with good friend and excellent shot-stopper Billy Collins. However I now feel that I must play more games away from the sticks and offer myself a new challenge in developing as an outfield player”.

The announcement comes as a shock to the TTFE community, with sources close to him dumbfounded by his intention to come outfield.  It is being described as the biggest shock to the game since Karl Manley’s last retirement.

Newbury was keen to stress that this move wouldn’t be permanent or would it affect TPC games.

“I am aware that as a keeper at TTFE I’m bestowed with an important responsibility – one which has helped in creating competitive games at TTFE. That responsibility is to maintain an almost unspoken balance of goalkeeping with my fellow keeper Billy Collins. Therefore I would like to reassure TTFE that when it comes to TPC games I will continue to be available as a keeper, if required of course.”

Newbury also hinted that he could be back as a keeper by the end of the year, suggesting a possible return by the time of the US Presidential Election which is in November.

“This isn’t au revoir to goalkeeping – merely an adieu. Maybe I’ll be back with gloves on by the time you’ll all be saying President Trump”.

Other than wanting a ‘new challenge’, Newbury didn’t offer other reasons for his decision and he chose not to field any questions from the press. However it is believed that he simply wanted a change and improve his fitness levels.

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‘PUGH-TIFUL’ – TPC2015 Game #1 Report


TPC 1st Round: James Pugh VS Michael Van Birgelen

James Pugh turned in a masterful performance in the opening match of the TTFE Team Picker Cup with a fine 10-3 victory over debutant Michael Van Birgelen.

As the players gathered on the fence for the first time in 2015 (proper), the excitement levels were at fever pitch in anticipation for the tournament’s opener. I mean what will be the event which will define the festivities of the first match of the year?

Were we to see a repeat of Diana Ross’ bungling penalty attempt like at USA ’94? That would have been good – then again my penalties aren’t much better!

The ‘Time to Pick’ marketing campaign raised wide interest in the competition – which is entering its fourth year – and this was certainly evident from those players who had never played in a TPC game, yet alone competed as a captain.

It all returned like an old friend – the nervousness, the dread of rejection and the fear of being picked last lingered over the players on the fence like a blackened cloud. And of course, the obligatory  placard too!

Billy stakes his claim as a secret weapon - and delivers!

Billy stakes his claim as a secret weapon – and delivers!

It was Pugh who had the first pick and he opted for the stability of a goalkeeper in Billy, while the Burglar opted for pace with his follow-up picks in Dan Wakeham and Swanie.

Team Burglar - (Left to Right) Chris P, Chris S, Dan W, Michael VB, Paul, Greg, Tom

Team Burglar – (Left to Right) Chris P, Chris S, Dan W, Michael VB, Paul, Greg, Tom

Team Pugh - (Left to Right) Dale, Joe, Pugh, Billy, Karl, Michael PC

Team Pugh – (Left to Right) Dale, Joe, Pugh, Billy, Karl, Michael PC

As expected the game kicked off with much vitriol and pace; the game ebbing and flowing as both sides looked to make the all-important opening goal of the TPC. That honour actually went to a captain and it was a happy start for Mr Pugh. In truth, from then on the game was firmly in his grasp; his team went 3-0 ahead with a dominant, direct style which Team MVB found too hot to handle.

Half time came around and although Team Pugh were bossing it, Michael & Co. still had a chance as they were only 4-2 down. However Team Pugh’s clever blend of strong defence, effective communication and an attack which was cutting the mustard meant that they only stretched their lead whilst Team MVB just couldn’t find the net.

You could argue that the losing side were devoid of any luck, by hitting the woodwork and just failing to make that final pass in attack, but no-one could deny the mastery on display by Team Pugh as they put in an early entry case for TPC team of the tournament.

Cool and calm captain James Pugh now has won only his second TPC game, but more importantly the opening match of the tournament – an indicator that he may do well this year. For Mikey VB, his passion and vocal style was commendable, and perhaps on another night he might have been on the winning side – but he’ll be kicking himself after the pick as he failed to grab the balance which Team Pugh definitely had.


Truly Pugh-tiful!



another pick

Keepers count

Billy Collins did an excellent job when he needed to in keeping Team Pugh well in front in the game, particularly at times when he had little to do. He said that his defence was a big factor in his good form throughout the match, but when Bilbo is in this form, attackers need to find the right key to unlock their way into his net.

The two main keepers at TTFE, Joe and Billy, are often one of the first to be picked as a solid keeper is often important. But not always – Mikey VB played a risky strategy in going for pace and hoped that Joe, the remaining keeper would still be available, but this backfired as Pugh swiped both ballstoppers.

Although MVB had a positive stint in goal and the theatrics from ‘the-keeper-in-winger’s clothing’, Tom Payne, wasn’t too much of a bad move, it was clear that this caused an imbalance in the side which hindered them.

Pugh is a defender now?

It took some believing but Mr Nice Guy looked very comfortable at the back in defence. Normally terrorising defences with his brand of running with the ball and scoring in tight angles, Pugh decided that as a captain he would play a sweepery type role with Joe as a centre back.

Pugh really excelled by offering good communication, strong tackling and even had a presence in the air – that’s right, he heads the ball too! Could this be a calling for Pugh to settle back in defence? And will he play there in his next game?

Dale’s FIFA moves

That was some crazy Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon kind of s**t Dale. That’s all I’m saying.

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Betting odds for the Team Picker Cup… as it starts today

Let the lottery commence - who will win this year's TPC?

Let the lottery commence – who will win this year’s TPC?

The bookies have spoken… and it seems that they feel the current champ is most likely to pick up the title once again. Joe Newbury was placed the favourite by a number of bookmakers with an average price of 3/1, with former champ Jon Ridout coming in second favourite at 4/1. Chris Phillips is a little way behind at 7/1 as the highest non-winner of the title, with 2012 finalist William Collins just behind on 8/1. Everyone else is placed between 9/1 to 12/1.

Overall the betting prices are fairly long – demonstrating how difficult it is to predict the outcome in the Team Picker Cup. The tournament has yet to have champion who has won the title two times or more and no player has reached the final on more than one occasion.

Betting forecaster Billy Hill said that players shouldn’t pay too much attention to the odds. “Bookmakers only have form to use as a real factor for the odds, but with a number of new entrants this year it can all goes out the window after a few weeks”.

“Another factor is the easy route, which gives Newbury his favourite tag and to Phillips a slight edge over Collins. Hazuki’s uncertainty about his availability means his odds lengthened too. Pinto Castro gets a significant boost as a new captain mainly due to his previous performance as a player in the TPC.”

In a tournament without 2013 winner Gareth O’Neill and 2014 finalist Pishty Agha, plus plenty of new captains bookies are saying that this is the most open TPC ever.

Hill was coy when he was asked about who he thought would win the title this year, but was willing to put his money on a ‘dark horse’.

“I have a feeling we will see another new champion, but this time someone who shown promise in recent tournaments. Collins and Phillips would probably go in that category. One could even argue that whoever wins the Battle of the Dans will win it!

“If I had to pick though I fancy Karl Powell to have a good run this year. His defeat of O’Neill last year showed a lot of potential and he has the qualities to go all the way”.

The TPC starts tonight with the opening first round fixture between Michael Van Birgelen and James Pugh. 

Do you agree with the bookies? Who do you think has the minerals to bring home the gold?

Average odds for TPC 2015 Winner

  • Joe Newbury – 3/1 Fav
  • Jon Ridout – 4/1
  • Chris Phillips – 7/1
  • William Collins – 8/1
  • Michael Pinto Castro – 9/1
  • James Pugh 10/1
  • Karl Powell – 10/1
  • Daniel Wakeham – 12/1
  • Daniel Pato – 12/1
  • Rolan Hazuki – 12/1
  • Dale Thomas – 12/1
  • Michael Van Birgelen – 12/1
  • Chris Swan – 12/1
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Just who is this Sun Tsu?


Over 2000 years old, it was rumoured that this little book was the key to Napoleon’s success in plundering Europe.

You may have figured that I’ve been mildly obsessing over a particular fellow by the name of Sun Tsu lately with all these strange, mysterious videos.

And of course, you’d be right.

But they all have a purpose as we edge ever closer to the Team Picker Cup’s first fixture on Thursday 4th September.

Sun Tsu is actually an inspiration to me, just as he is to others across the world. He was an ancient Chinese military general and was well known in the modern world for writing The Art of War, a strategy guide for generals alike to use to vanquish their foes.  It’s kind of like ‘Warmongering for Dummies’. But today it isn’t just applied in warfare – it’s also praised in business and legal thinking too, or simply in any field where you need to get the better of someone else (in an honourable way, of course!)

It was also identified as the manual for Stewie’s planned world domination in Family Guy… ooh fuzzy!

But away from that short animated interlude, you’ll notice that I’ve posted three videos which include direct quotes from The Art of War.

Sun Tsu’s teachings can tell us a lot about who the next winner of the Team Picker Cup could be. He promotes the virtues of good leadership, knowing the enemy (and yourself) and also observing the field of battle on how play to your advantage. These are all key elements which could translate into a TPC Final victory!

So here are my tips based on Sun Tsu’s teachings that you will have already viewed in greater detail. And remember, this is advice is free from your 2014 TPC Champ 🙂


1. Leadership is very important

To be a great leader isn’t easy. It’s not just about picking well, but you also have to be a manager who inspires and encourages his team to succeed. Captains have been let down here in the past – the number of times I’ve noticed captains not offering any instructions, encouraging comments or even talking at all. This doesn’t bode well for the team, especially if there isn’t a core understanding amongst them.

Talk to your team. Even if it’s just basic things like formation or positioning. The step up from that will then be to inspire your team when you’re behind.

Lastly, a captain also leads by example, not by force. You cannot strong-arm your team to win for you unless you want to get a punch in the nose. Treat your team with respect and they will respect you back.


2. Know your enemy (and the picking process)

This was perhaps the most cryptic of all three videos, but it all boils down to doing your homework. That’s difficult at the TPC as you don’t always know which players will be present – but you do know who your opponent is.

Think how the opposing captain will conduct his picking choices. Is he defensively minded? Will he value a good keeper – or is he a handy keeper himself? Will he go for the quickest player first? If I have the first pick, which two players will he then go for?

Have a strategy for when the picking process goes off course too. I think in my experience of team picking, it’s only ever gone to plan on one occasion so be prepared for setbacks.

Also – think about the period leading up to the game. For example if you’re Chris Phillips, you’ll be taking the boxer’s approach. There will be banter on Facebook, maybe the odd post about how confident he is in winning and often enough his opponent will respond. Own this process too if it works for you. But of course, keep it clean and above board – friendly banter is encouraged, but no further than that.


3. Be prepared to ‘shake things up’ to win

Whenever I speak to Cardiff City fans who watch the games, they often tell me how they are frustrated with manager Russell Slade. One of the key things I hear is that he lacks a Plan B – that he only has one approach to managing the team and when things go bad due to a number of factors i.e. injury to a key player or change in opponent’s formation, he doesn’t know how to adjust the team to deal with it.

The TPC is definitely a competition where a number of strategies are required to win, based on the various factors around you. The weather is a big one – certain players thrive when it rains for example, but will be less effective when it’s dry. Remember that if it does rain mid game and the pitch becomes greasy, your current game plan may need to be tweaked.

Players aren’t the same every week either. Be prepared if a player takes a knock, feels unwell or is simply not 100% on arrival. This isn’t to say the player isn’t valuable to you – simply that you may need to think about if his strengths can be used elsewhere.

There will be other factors – sometimes those which you will not be able to foresee.


The best quote of all from Sun Tsu?

There’s one more video to come which I will release on Saturday prior to the SLODBN but don’t worry – it won’t be as unusual or slightly ‘unnerving’ as the last three I’ve posted.

But I’d like to leave you with you with one more quote from Sun Tsu which is perhaps the most important thing to take away from him.

It also applies perfectly to me as the Team Picking Champ who won the title by not playing a final game….


No hollow victory here folks.

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Was this a goal? – You’re The Ref #2



It’s time for another edition of You’re The Ref, where we ask you to apply your footballing knowledge and become the ultimate bastion of justice on the pitch.

This week we’ll be revisiting the woeful experience that was Cardiff City’s 2014-2015 season; also known as the Bluebirds’ dreadful and disappointing return to Championship football. Against eventual league winners Bournemouth, Cardiff goalkeeper Simon Moore had a mare as he seemed to launch the ball from a drop kick into the head of the Callum Wilson, who was standing only a few feet away. The ball then rebounded onto the bar of the Cardiff goal which allowed Wilson to follow up and tap into the empty net.

To spare his blushes, Moore was saved by the referee Lee Mason’s whistle as he ruled the goal out. But were Cardiff lucky to not to have conceded a goal on this occasion?

Also all Cardiff City fans…. I encourage you to step outside of your blue-eyed thinking and apply a bit of objectivity and please!  Me included!

Place your thoughts on Facebook or on the site!

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Who gets the £10 prize credit… State of Play 2014 Results Released


It may be a *little* late, but the results of the State of Play survey for 2014 have finally been released! Every year TTFE ask every player about how they feel about key issues which affect us, including where and when we play, are there any things we can do to improve things and of course, the social outings too!

This is the third official year of State of Play and we’ve had our greatest response yet of 16 participants, so I want to lift my hat to everyone who got involved.  It’s a big help to us in planning TTFE games each week that we’re giving you what you want as players.

So what are the key points of the survey? You can check them out in greater detail by looking at the presentation below, but they can be summarised as follows:

  • 7-a-side games are preferred to 6-a-side games
  • Not everyone is a fan of the late 9pm starts
  • Having a laugh is the main reason you play
  • Everyone uses Facebook to access TTFE information
  • SLOBDNs and Computer Games are your favoured social gatherings

But I’m sure you’re all wondering  who won the £10 prize draw? If you remember on submitting your survey you also entered a prize draw to win £10 TTFE credit which would be gifted by the kitty.

Well in a secret draw held only a few weeks ago, the winner was drawn and until now, their identity will now be revealed. Our Draw Master Greg, together with our Independent Adjudicator Amanda and Saucepan Holder Chris, conducted the draw in an undisclosed location on the Devon Coast with much hilarity and BBQ-encouraged craziness.

Check out the draw below to see who won!

Btw, to see the FULL draw click here to see a draw process which would put FIFA to shame!

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