It may have felt like an absolute age, but tomorrow’s TTFE fixture will see the return of the outdoor pitch at Sophia Gardens. For over a month we’ve endured the harsh, tropical climbs of the Jubiliee Hall, which combined with the freak heatwave tested even the most athletic of TTFE members. There were times when I honestly thought that I had no more water left in my body as the extreme heat within those four walls turned me into a giant, talking raisin.
But with that said, that pitch provided some really tasty 5-a-side games with some notable highlights. There was Greg’s awesome solo run and goal, plus the first ever Speedball session with three teams playing in rotation. Not to mention that each game see-sawed from side-to-side, meaning that exciting comebacks were always on the cards. (Any other highlights I’ve missed?)
I’d say that although the eviction from our beloved outdoor pitch was at first met with mixed opinions, I think everyone came round to the idea of playing indoors on a temporary basis and brought the TTFE spirit into that sweat box. Jubilee Hall – didn’t think we’d be saying this but we will miss thee.
Game 300
So out of the pressure cooker and back into the precipitation. Yes with the heatwave a distant memory and a return to the great outdoors, it will obviously be raining come tomorrow night. It wouldn’t be a Thursday otherwise! Tomorrow though isn’t just any Thursday however, as it officially Game No. 300 at TTFE for myself and Tom. This is a pretty big milestone as far as TTFE goes -we’ve been recording games since 2006 and this will be game No.387, meaning our 400th game should be reached by the end of the year. It’s fitting that such an occasion is met with an eagerly awaited return to the promised land of pitches! It should also be said that Chris is not far behind us on 295, so his 300 should be in a month’s time if his streak continues.
End of Pitchwatch
As you may have noticed, there was no Pitchwatch this week. This was purely down to an error on my part as I forgot to put a memory card in my camera – denying me (and my Pitchwatch fans) the chance to portray the pristine-looking pitch across the wonders of social media. So for that – I apologise. This apology comes as I have realised the level of interest people have invested in Pitchwatch and I was amazed to know that people actually watched it AND enjoyed it.
Well I guess all the Michael Moores in this world have to start somewhere – there’s a ‘Pitchwatch’ in every big shot directors collection I’m sure. Is this a step towards fame and fortune, away from the drizzly afternoons in South Wales into the sun-drenched hills of Hollywood? Well I guess I’ll never know, as I’m hanging up my director’s cap and megaphone. But I hope you enjoyed it as it served as another way of informing everyone of the progress made on the pitch in more innovative way.
But before the name Newbury is pulled out of the running for Star Wars 8, 9 ,10, Jen has threatened to video the TPC Final… now that could be a great comeback project for a seasoned film director and commentator like me….
Well done to Rich and Dan
Lastly, whilst we’re talking new starts and all that, we should congratulate Dan and Rich on their recent run of games. While Tom and I will punch through the 300 barrier tomorrow, these newbies reached 30 games last week – capping a great period for them both. Now I know I didn’t throw a party or congratulate anyone else for reaching 30 games, but I think it’s appropriate to thank players like Rich and Dan for truly becoming part of the TTFE family. And if that sounds a bit fruity for you and makes you want to gag, then fine – here’s some Avenged Sevenfold to decamp that last sentence.
Anyway – TTFE is always looking for new blood to ensure we have enough players each week, but we also value those players who come along, give it a go and are chomping at the bit to play again next week. These two players have exemplified this brilliantly. I can recall at a number of times that Dan has only had his streak ended due to regulars returning from their absence, while Rich has one of the highest streaks in TTFE which was tallied right from his first ever game! That takes luck I know but that type of run for someone new to us is impressive and shows we are doing something right to welcome these guys into the fold. This also goes to the likes of Gaji, Billy, Big G and Karl and the many non-regulars (who are regulars in all but name) others who have continued to have an interest in playing at TTFE when they can. You guys are the one of the reasons why we have more 14 games now than ever before, so we can accommodate more players who are keen to play and have some great, well-spirited games. So thanks gents, your support is appreciated!
Here Here!
Well done Joe, a great read.
I too will miss the Jubilee Hall, particularly this winter! 🙂